The Sickness Unto Death: how watching the 700 Club made me depressed and nauseated

Never again. Never again. I spent 5 minutes last night watching the 700 Club and I woke up this morning with my stomach feeling like an alien was about to explode from the depths of my lower intestines and pain inside of my stomach like I had never known.

Perhaps it was Pat and Terry’s smugness as they discussed how Laotians are happy “living in dirt and huts”. Or the faux sad tale of a girl who had to quit fashion college because of low estrogen and night sweats plaguing her studies.

Seeing Pat aging and weakening makes me wonder if he will repent for his false messages, his 1988 presidential bid, his hateful statements about LGBTQ individuals, minorities, Islam, and non-believers.

I doubt it though. For my stomach tells me so.